Saturday, January 29, 2011


He is still doing very very well with his contact, stretching more into the bit now, and we are working very hard on taking contact at the walk.

Harley is stiff on his left side, so Jane has us doing counter bends while tracking left, and circling to the right and spiraling out with a leg yield.  He's doing well and seems to enjoy changing things up a bit.  He also really likes lateral work, and sometimes does leg yields without being asked :)

Harley is turning into the "big babysitter" at the barn, the go-to horse to calm and guide other horses who are nervous or new to the barn.  Harley took a new boarder for a nice walk last weekend, and yesterday, he took another new tenant for a trail ride and a little workout in the dressage arena. Harley seems to know when a horse is unsure, and acts as a calm, reassuring guide.