1-20-13: Harley's lameness issues became more chronic over the past couple of months, although he was almost always sound walking straight. The lameness only showed up when he turned sharply. I had the vet out to do his teeth a week ago, and Harley came out of his stall quite lame. 2 days ago, the vet came back and did nerve blocks on his front feet/legs and took x-rays. Harley has some navicular changes in his right front foot, and ringbone in his left front pastern (due to his toeing in on that foot). There is also some very slight ringbone in the right front. So much for the sore shoulder theory. The good news is that with Bute, Pentosan and corrective shoeing, Harley will be much more comfortable.
2-24-13 Update: After a week on bute twice a day, Harley is completely sound. Now he is on bute once a day. He will get new special shoes next week, which will help even more. I also now have the option of shockwave therapy, courtesy of Dr. Jenny Johnson, Harley's chiropractor/vet. She needs to see his x-rays first, and then we will decide. She has had very good success with shockwave treatment for ringbone, and may possibly be able to use it to treat his navicular. I'm very optimistic about Harley's future. The goal is to keep him pain free, and to slow down the progress of both conditions. Either way, he will be a much happier pony!
It will be interesting to ride him once he's on his meds and his new shoes are on. I'm just very glad to finally know what the problem is and to deal with it. I'm sure Harley is glad too!