Harley is almost completely sound now, physically. Mentally, he is not doing as well. Since I can only ride him on good footing because of the ringbone, and not on hard ground, that means riding in rings. He hates being in a ring. So now I have a dilemma. Do I make him work in a ring, which makes him angry and potentially unsafe, or do I let him retire to a nice big pasture, hopefully in a place that has some trails that aren't really hard ground?
Or do I wait and see if his attitude improves? Is he really angry, or just being uncooperative because he doesn't want to work? Or is he feeling pain and only showing it when we are in a ring? Or is his feisty attitude a result of a new supplement I started him on a few weeks ago, to help with his legs? And, is it the supplement that has made him so sound, and if I take him off of it to improve his attitude, will his lameness return? Or is he just being feisty because he feels better?
Going to let him loose in a ring so he can run and buck, maybe get some of it out of his system, and hopefully he won't come up lame afterwards. Will also take him off the new supplement and see what happens. Film at 11.......